2025 © Biliardi Cavicchi di Cavicchi Giancarlo
C.F. CVCGCR59M29E253N - P.IVA 00482860350 - Registro imprese di RE n. 134898 - Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 45 - 42016 GUASTALLA (Reggio Emilia) - ITALY+39 0522 824.637 - info@cavicchi.it
The billiards known as Snooker / Russian pyramid billiard models are very popular in Russia and the countries of the former Ex Soviet Union. This model differs from the traditional pool table billiard because it have different size: 320x160 cm (11ft) 360x180 cm (12ft) and the holes are closer. Cavicchi the World Champion billiard also makes these specific pool tables, maintaining the standards of excellence that distinguish it in the marketplace.
In this section we propose a series of ambients of our 100% Made in Italy Russian Pyramid - Snooker category that respon...
Special version of the Millennium Billiards designed for the Russian Pyramid and Snooker, the Millennium Billiards 5 bas...
Special version of the Millennium Billiards designed for the Russian Pyramid, the " F1 SCUDERIA" with five bases is char...
Special verion for Russian Pyramid the Millennium Leather 5 bases Billiard is a pool table of luxury and design as part ...
Special version of the Millennium Precious Woods Ebony Makassar/Zebrano 5 bases Billiard is a luxury and design billiard...
The Billiard Millenium 5 bases Klimt Silver Leaf is the more researched billiard for Russian Pyramid and Snooker of luxu...
The Billiard Millenium 5 bases Klimt Gold Leaf is the more researched billiard for Russian Pyramid and Snooker of luxury...
Special version of the Pashà Pool Table designed for the Russian Pyramid, the "Pashà Pool Table" with five bases is char...