
Kit Billiard Cloth Professional

Professional billiard cloth for balls by 63.2 mm

"Cavicchi Evolution" is the new professional billiard cloth, built and designed specifically for the new balls increased by 63.2 mm.

Certified by F.I.B.I.S. (Italian Federation of Billiard Sports), represents the ultimate technique studied Made in Italy by Cavicchi to optimize the functionality of the billiard game with the introduction of the new regulations.

The kit for professional billiard cloth "Cavicchi Evolution" comes in a sleek package that can be a great gift idea for all sports enthusiasts and billiards professionist.

What does the kit cloth Billiard contain?

The kit "Cavicchi Evolution" includes:
• Cloth for the table of billiards
• Cloth for banks
• Series of Super Aramith balls by 63.2 mm