2025 © Biliardi Cavicchi di Cavicchi Giancarlo
C.F. CVCGCR59M29E253N - P.IVA 00482860350 - Registro imprese di RE n. 134898 - Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 45 - 42016 GUASTALLA (Reggio Emilia) - ITALY+39 0522 824.637 - info@cavicchi.it
“Sinfonia” it’s the perfect synthesis between ethereal artistic conception of the lines and an avant garde technologic build. A union that allowed to this artwork unique in the world to reaching a level never reached before. Cavicchi designed this pool table with the exclusive Boubinga Exotic Massive wood, among the finest wood in the world, that have a prolonged natural stagnation. In particular, the essence used for the organic design, which comes from an accurate research and attention from Biliardi Cavicchi that applied it in an artistic table pool for the first time in the world, boasts half a century of conservation and it allowed to generate a special accelerant “fossil” finish, together with multiple and rigorous phases of natural waxing and stabilizing, which helped to emphasize that exclusive table pool unique in the world.
Not all can play with an artwork, but if you believe to be able to deserve it, enter into the exclusive “Sinfonia” world to discover everything you’ve never seen before.